Awww geeze, not another blog!

Welcome to A Fine Blade!

This blog will focus one of my lifelong passions and one of man's most basic tools - the knife!

As time and events permit we'll tiptoe into other territory where we can use the knife as a metaphor in discussions about current events and have a little politically incorrect fun.

Because you see, knives rank just below guns as the most politically incorrect subject on the web today.

Guns & Knives = Bad. Gay Marriage & Recreational Drug Use = Good

We'll see if we can't have some fun with that.

So stay tuned, and welcome aboard!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

For The Love Of...

It takes a lot to wake up Rip van Winkle, but here I am.

Who the hell let this moron out of the Alzheimer's ward? I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or start digging a bomb shelter in the backyard. 

Last  year I thought his gaffes were just comical. Today, he's an international embarrassment, and a danger to the United States and her allies. Democrats were so desperate to remove Trump, and so thin on real electable leadership, that this was the best they could come up with? 

Spare me the comparisons to Trump. Trump isn't in office, and won't ever be again. Democrats own this mess. Lock, stock and barrel. 

If I was King For A Day I'd declare the entire Democrat party a national security threat. 

Stay sharp, cuz' I fear you'll need it.

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